
Character Study: Queen Sunrise

Name: Sunrise

Species: Fire Dragon
Gender: Female
Lived: 245- AB
Scales: Yellow
Markings: Upward Swooping
Eyes: Pale yellow
Defining Features: Vibrant yellow scales

The mother of Ember and mate to Ash, Sunrise is the queen of Drake's Peak. Born into one of the noble families living in the castle, Sunrise was often adored for her scales that, in the correct light, appeared to be made of solid gold.

When Sunrise was eight, she first met Ash outside of a formal event, in a meeting arranged by the king and queen of the time. As Ash was now ten, he was to start meeting noble vixens to choose his mate from.

Though Ash was originally interested in Sunrise for her scales (and her sharp horns which he himself lacks) as he spent more time with the vixen he began to actually like her. Like turned to love, and when it came time to officially choose his queen, Ash selected Sunrise.

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