
Chapter Twelve: The Argument

Crystal kept her ears pricked forward as Ember spoke. She’d signed a quick greeting to the other Ice Dragons in the pen, but her attention had since been strictly focused on the Crown Prince. He’d gone to the front of the room, if a circle could have a front, and had taken some papers from his sack.

The prince had mostly frowned at the papers, looking up and nodding to Fire Dragons as they came into the room. Crystal spent a few moments studying each new face, wondering if they knew Ember’s true thoughts about Ice Dragons. The other Ice Dragons in the pen weren’t familiar. They were older than she was, and one of them had a series of burn scars along his forelegs.  They also seemed more interested in taking a nap than paying attention to the council. 


Chapter Eleven: Preparing for Council

Lifting his head as claws rapped on the door, Ember shouted permission to enter and pricked his ears expectantly as the darkened wood swung open. Frowning as he saw Torch, Ember pulled off his desk and lifted his chin. The pale orange viper shouldered the door open further, revealing Crystal being all but choked by the taught chain.

Barely choking down a growl, Ember flicked his tail and watched as Torch dragged the ice vixen to the center of the room, connecting the chains with a rough snap.


Chapter Ten: Remembrance

Crystal stretched out her wings and flapped them a few times to loosen her muscles as paws sounded in the hall. It was early, the sun only beginning on rise on the far end of the island. Folding her wings gently against her side, Crystal stepped away from the door and waited for it to open. The steps grew louder, and then passed. Crystal sighed, small flecks of ice escaping with her breath. It had just been another servant, probably a Cleaner or a Cook. Turning away from the door, Crystal set her head in the window and looked down into the jungle. Some wild cats were bounding together, scaring several parrots who flew upwards in a small rainbow.

Crystal yawned, and then tilted her head downwards. There were four floors below her, each floor with twenty rooms, and the opposite wall of the castle was also dedicated to servant quarters. If Crystal was remembering correctly, about the time of the Cleansing there would be roughly two hundred and forty servants in the castle. 


Chapter Nine: Memories

Ember’s talons scraped stone as he slid off his bed. He’d been awake long enough to hear the soft clicking of the daily messenger, dropping off the letters addressed to him from the town and village, as well as in the castle. The pile was somewhat large, as it usually was, since all the dragons assigned to council were required to write a summary or their report for the daily meetings the night before. 

Making his way to his desk, Ember lifted a paw to shuffle through the papers. Reports from all the council dragons, in their varying styles of writing, were all there, as well as a few reports from Flame Village. At the bottom of the pile, a few papers up from the last, there was a shimmering white paper with thick, blocky writing like Crystal had used to write her name. Ember brushed the other papers aside, and carefully lifted it up, flipping it around to see the sender. Wynter’s Grove, Block forty-three, no name or dome number. 

Ice dragons lived in Domes, round houses made from their own ice and snow, and each Dome was crammed onto a Block with roughly fourteen other domes, depending on the size of the families in each dome. 


Chapter Eight: Settling In

Finally alone for the first time since she’d turned ten, Crystal sat down and enjoyed simply existing. No worries about her behavior, no worries about the other Ice Dragons, the only thing she had to worry about now was that someone might barge in and take this blessed quiet away from her. 

The ice-cold floor felt amazing under her paws, and if Crystal closed her eyes, she could almost imagine that she was back home in Wynter’s Grove. Back in the safety of her family’s dome.


Ice Dragons - The In-Depth Guide

In this post, we are going to take a good look at Ice Dragons. All scale and feather colors they can have, all mutations that can appear in their species and more.

This is a typical Ice Dragon
Ice Dragons have the ability to breathe ice and snow from their mouth. Their scales are extremely hard, and nearly impossible to break. They also radiate a natural coldness. Their wings are feathered, and these feathers also appear on the tip of their tails and behind their ears.


The Silencing and the Cleansing

Since living on Drake's Peak, the Fire Dragons have come up with some pretty nasty traditions regarding the Ice Dragons. The two worst ones however, are known as the Silencing and the Cleansing.