Crystal kept
her ears pricked forward as Ember spoke. She’d signed a quick greeting to the
other Ice Dragons in the pen, but her attention had since been strictly focused
on the Crown Prince. He’d gone to the front of the room, if a circle could have
a front, and had taken some papers from his sack.
The prince had
mostly frowned at the papers, looking up and nodding to Fire Dragons as they
came into the room. Crystal spent a few moments studying each new face,
wondering if they knew Ember’s true thoughts about Ice Dragons. The other Ice
Dragons in the pen weren’t familiar. They were older than she was, and one of
them had a series of burn scars along his forelegs. They also seemed more interested in taking a
nap than paying attention to the council.
Didn’t they
realize that the council was responsible for over half the new laws about Ice
Dragons? By paying attention here, she could learn what to do to avoid
punishment. Crystal snorted and resettled her wings. It didn’t matter. If they
wanted to spend this valuable time sleeping, then that was on them.
As the
meeting went on though, Crystal had to admit to herself that the other servants
might have had the right idea. There wasn’t much of interest going on, except
possibly for the sand colored viper who was arguing for the loosening of Ice
Dragon schedules to allot for more break time.
Of course, he was only arguing this case for the Ice Dragons who worked
as farmers, to get more harvest in, but it was at least a start.
wing-tips twitched. She’d known since her first flying lesson that as a
Selected, she wouldn’t have as much opportunity to fly as the rest of her kind,
so she’d been given very few lessons since the probability of her being placed
in a position where she could fly, and living long enough to be given flying
rights were quite low.
But that
hadn’t stopped her from flying every opportunity she could. She’d even taught
herself a few tricks. A few adults had tried halfheartedly to stop her, but
Crystal had a feeling they wanted her to taste as much of the sky as she could
before her tenth birthday. That had been another reason she’d wanted to go for
a lower position, like a Castle Farmer, or a Gamekeeper. In either of those
positions she’d be allowed to fly. As a farmer, she would have to fly across
the island for seeds, to gather farming supplies, and to water the plants. As a
Gamekeeper she would have been able to fly when it was time to count the
As the
prince’s personal servant, it would be up to him to decide when she was ready
to fly, but he did have to wait at least six months. The logic behind that was
that, if she was ready to be trusted to take night lessons to further her
Talon-Speak, she was ready to be trusted to send messages from the prince across
the castle, or even the island.
When she’d
first realized that the crown prince had chosen her, Crystal’s first fear had
been that she would die before she could fly again. Then she had thought of a
way to change her plan, but that fear was still there.
And then,
Prince Ember had told her how he supposedly felt about Ice Dragons. Crystal
still wasn’t sure how to feel about that. With parents like King Ash and Queen
Sunrise, it was very unlikely that Ember had just…decided to go against
everything they would have taught him.
Crystal turned
away from the councilors and examined the chamber. It really was a beautiful
room. Instead of having an inner stone wall, like most of the castle, the
Council Chamber had been designed to appear as though it had been built out of
wood. Intricate designs made the room
look like it had been carved right from the inside of a tree. There weren’t any windows, but fresh air was
carried in through the rest of the castle.
Crystal had
heard that there used to be windows in the chamber, but they’d been taken out
after a group of rouge Ice Dragons had attacked the council. The builders had
done a good job replacing the holes though. If she hadn’t known about the story
Crystal never would have suspected that there were supposed to be holes in the
A low
growling noise broke Crystal out of her thoughts. Whipping her head around to
stare at the councilors, Crystal saw that one of the vixens was baring her
fangs at Prince Ember. Crystal’s ears pricked, trying to focus in on the
conversation again. “-possibly consider listening to this fool!”
The vixen
shouting was the same ruby red she-dragon who oversaw the training of Selected.
Crystal felt her expression wash into a scowl. The red vixen was terribly
cruel. Whatever the prince was considering, Crystal hoped he would confirm it
purely to spite the vixen.
The Crown
Prince was looking down at the red vixen with an expression of disdain. “Ruby,
if you wish to argue Coal’s point, you will have to wait until after he has
finished speaking.” Ruby’s tail lashed “Sire, with all due respect, Coal’s
suggestion is ludicrous. Work-times have not changed in three-hundred-years,
the farmers have coped with it for this long, there is no reason to change a
working system.”
An answering
growl came from a pale viper before the prince could respond. “A working system
that has left the farmers barely able to move after harvest comes to an end. If
we want to be efficient, then we need to change.” The arguing viper, who must
have been Coal, had pale yellow scales. Crystal couldn’t see his face, but she
had a feeling his markings were downward swooping. Primarily because Ruby’s
were upwards, and no royal would argue for Ice Dragons.
Which of
course brought her back to the problem that was the prince. Crystal’s ruff
flicked with unease as she thought about how certain Ember seemed. She wasn’t
sure if his confidence was a ploy to get her trust, or if he actually felt the
way he claimed.
Ember’s voice broke off the two arguing dragons. With a snap of his tail, the
fire prince flared his wings and stared down his muzzle at the councilors. “The
two of you will cease arguing or you will both be removed from this meeting.”
Ruby’s tail
snapped back and forth like she wanted to argue with him, but she kept her
mouth shut. Coal on the other talon, seemed unable to resist putting in one
final word. “Just because we are superior, does not mean we should be tyrants. King
Ash’s laws have made things harder, should we not fight to make things gentler
to balance?”
winced. Maybe without meaning too, Coal had just insulted the king. One of the
highest dishonors. Even if he wouldn’t be killed like an Ice Dragon would be,
Coal would definitely be demoted to the lowest rank in the castle, if not
removed from the castle entirely. From the sudden silence, it seemed Coal had
realized it too.
Ember was
looking down at Coal with a sad expression, and he shook his head at the
councilor. The straw-colored viper’s head shook as he said “Wait, your
highness, I didn’t mean-” Ember interrupted him with another tail snap. “Coal,
you are excused from this meeting.” He snapped his tail against the ground,
releasing a sharp twang-like sound into the air. Instantly the large doors
opened, and two guards marched into the room.
Coal has spoken treason against my father the King,” Ember said, nodding at the
guards. “He has been excused from this meeting and is to be confined to his
quarters until such a time as he may be questioned.”
The guards
nodded, and took up posts on either side of Coal, interlocking their tails
behind the councilor to force him to move alongside of them. Crystal watched
with fascination as the golden viper lowered his head in shame and allowed
himself to be led away.
As the doors
swung shut once more, Ember turned back to the rest of the councilors. “Now
then, in light of these events, Coal’s suggestion will be put on hold until his
trial is concluded. We will not speak of them until such a time, is that clear
Crystal noted that Ember seemed to be glaring at Ruby as he
said that final line. Ruby’s tail was flicking at the tip, but she bowed her
head along with the rest of the council. “Now then, Shard, I do believe it is
your turn to speak.”
As the council dragged on, Ember found himself paying less
attention to the speakers, and focusing more on how to get Coal out of trouble.
He’d done what he was expected to do, that is, report a Councilor of treason
and see him out of the meeting, but he hadn’t enjoyed it. Coal had been one of
the few Nobles who felt at least somewhat kindly towards Ice Dragons. Without
him, Ember’s list of possible supporters was down to six, and that was counting
It was possible he would be able to keep Coal out of maximum
punishment, which for a Fire Dragon was merely banishment to the far side of
the island, but it would require a lot of pleading. Not to mention convincing
his father that Coal had used Ash as an example theoretically, rather than in
an insulting manner.
Drawing his attention back to the Council Chamber, Ember
realized Shatter had finished his turn, and was waiting for the prince to
comment. Wracking his mind, Ember remembered that Shatter had been proposing to
add a new role to the castle for Ice Dragons. A ‘Scribe’ he called it. There
would only be a few at a time, and the scribes would assist the librarian in
documenting the history of the island, as well as writing down other pieces of
Silently thanking his grandfather for the decree that Council
Members would send a letter to the prince covering the basis of their proposal
before every meeting, Ember nodded to Shatter. “A compelling speech Shatter, I
shall discuss it with my father.” As he was readying to flick his tail at Torch,
a harsh growl from outside the doors caught everyone’s attention.
Ember narrowed his eyes at the doors, but then turned his
attention back to the Councilors. The guards would keep whoever it was out of
the room until Council was adjourned, and then Ember would shout at the dragon
for attempting to break into the Council Chambers.
And then the doors swung open. Ember’s head snapped back to
glare at the guards. What sort of incompetent fools were they, that they were
allowing a dragon into the chambers while Council was in session?
Then Ember
saw the dragon who was now standing in the doorway, eyes wide, almost maniacal
as she met her brother’s gaze. “Ember!” Princess Flicker shouted “You’re needed
immediately, you and the Council. Something…. something’s happening!”
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